Saturday, March 23, 2024

JDK-22: The JNI's grave?

Another six months passed and it is about time for a new JDK release: without further ado, please meet JDK-22. The theme of this release is obviously Foreign Function & Memory API that becomes generally available after numerous preview cycles. So what else is there?

  • JEP-454: Foreign Function & Memory API: introduces an API by which Java programs can interoperate with code and data outside of the Java runtime. By efficiently invoking foreign functions (i.e., code outside the JVM), and by safely accessing foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the JVM), the API enables Java programs to call native libraries and process native data without the brittleness and danger of JNI.

    By all means, Foreign Function & Memory API (or FFM shortly), was eagerly awaited. For a long time JNI was the only mechanism to access native code on JVM and it has gained pretty infamous reputation of being brittle and outdated. FFM has emerged as a (substantially) better alternative and, after many rounds of previews, the API is finalized in JDK-22.

  • JEP-423: Region Pinning for G1: reduces latency by implementing region pinning in G1, so that garbage collection need not be disabled during Java Native Interface (JNI) critical regions.

  • JEP-456: Unnamed Variables & Patterns: enhances the Java programming language with unnamed variables and unnamed patterns, which can be used when variable declarations or nested patterns are required but never used. Both are denoted by the underscore character, _.

    To be fair, the positive impact of this small language change on the readability of Java programs is paramount. Familiar to Scala developers for years, it is here for Java developers now.

    if (content instanceof String s && s.startsWith("{")) {
    } else if (content instanceof String s && s.startsWith("<")) {
    } else if (content instanceof String _) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The content type is not detected");

    It becomes even more evident with records:

    sealed interface Response permits NoContentResponse, ContentResponse {}
    record NoContentResponse(int status) implements Response {}
    record ContentResponse(int status, byte[] content) implements Response {}
    public int status(final Response response) {
        return switch(response) {
            case NoContentResponse(var status) -> status;
            case ContentResponse(var status, _) -> status;

    And lamba functions:

    BiFunction<String, Number, String> f = (_, n) -> n.toString();
  • JEP-458: Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs: enhances the java application launcher to be able to run a program supplied as multiple files of Java source code. This will make the transition from small programs to larger ones more gradual, enabling developers to choose whether and when to go to the trouble of configuring a build tool.

    This is a logical continuation of the JEP 330: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs, delivered in JDK-11. With this change, Java could seriously challenge the status quo of the established scripting languages.

Couple of new and refined preview language features and APIs are also made into release, just briefly mentioning them here (and we would get back to them once finalized).

Every new JDK release comes with a long list of bugfixes, and in case of JDK-22, there are quite a few worth mentioning:

Moving off from bugs and regressions, let us take a look at the interesting new features that JDK-22 delivers across the board:

Last but not least, let us talk about the API changes (standard library) that went into this release.

From the security perspective, there are couple of notable changes to highlight (but please, do not hesitate to check out JDK 22 Security Enhancements for more details):

To finish up, it will be useful to mention a few regressions that ended up in JDK-22 release, the fixes are already scheduled for the upcoming major or patch releases:

Some may say that JDK-22 is a boring release, but I personally disagree: FFM APIs and formalizing _ usage are all but not boring features.

I 🇺🇦 stand 🇺🇦 with 🇺🇦 Ukraine.